Press Releases

  • The UKP workshop, the largest event in the field of ultrashort pulse laser material processing, is once again inviting industry and research experts to present and discuss innovative applications and new research results.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    On April 8 and 9, 2025, the UKP workshop will once again open its doors and bring together experts from industry and research at the venue DAS LIEBIG in Aachen. As the most important platform for material processing with ultrashort pulse lasers, this event not only offers visitors the latest insights into technological advances, but also a unique opportunity to discuss the latest applications and solutions.

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  • As in 2023, the UKP Workshop 2025 will once again take place at DAS LIEBIG in Aachen.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    The now firmly established “UKP Workshop“ brings together leading experts in ultrashort pulse laser technology every two years. On April 8 and 9, 2025, the 8th UKP Workshop will take place in Aachen, where specialists will present the latest developments in the field of ultrashort pulse laser technology. Around 20 international speakers will give presentations on practical applications and processes with USP lasers. This time, the focus will be on innovative beam shaping solutions specially optimized for different processes. These solutions open up new possibilities for laser-assisted processing in industries such as electronics, energy storage, glass processing and microelectronics.

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  • Kilowatt boost for USP material processing

    Press Release / August 29, 2024

    Steffen Rübling, TRUMPF (left), and Dr. Dennis Haasler, Fraunhofer ILT, discuss details of operating the 1 kW USP laser from TRUMPF.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany / Ralf Baumgarten.

    A new ultrashort pulse (USP) laser beam source from TRUMPF, designed for industrial use, will significantly expand the range of applications of USP laser processes. The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT in Aachen will be systematically exploring the potential of this beam source with an average output of 1 kW in the coming months. Among other things, experiments are planned to optimize processes in battery and fuel cell production, toolmaking and semiconductor technology, as well as to test various beam guidance strategies. Many of these pilot applications have their origins in the Fraunhofer internal Cluster of Excellence Advanced Photon Sources (CAPS), to which 21 institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft belong.

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  • The Modulated Laser Beam for the Perfect Process

    Press Release / June 21, 2023

    Ion traps for building quantum computers can be fabricated with selective laser etching. This allows undercuts and micro-optics to be integrated into the extremely compact component.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    Ultra-short pulsed (USP) lasers are versatile tools in laser materials processing, but work even more efficiently when the laser pulses are optimally manipulated in space and time. How important this is for the new high-power sources with 300 W and more could be experienced at the “7th UKP Workshop Ultrafast Laser Technology” in Aachen. Visitors could also see how USP lasers make the electrodes of batteries for electric cars or hydrogen systems significantly more efficient.

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  • Laser-structured anode material of a Li-ion battery.

    Every two years, the “UKP Workshop” gives its visitors a sneak peek into the current state of this innovative laser technology. It will be that time again: On April 26 and 27, 2023, the ultrafast laser community will meet in Aachen. In addition to presenting the state of the art in kW beam sources, the workshop will focus on process development and future markets for laser material processing. For two days, experts from research and industry will exchange ideas – finally in live personal contact again.

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  • In the “Joint Application Lab” of Hamamatsu and Fraunhofer ILT, manufacturing processes can be investigated using a scanner-based process head with an integrated high-power SLM.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    Together with Hamamatsu, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT in Aachen has set up an application lab for advanced laser material processing with ultrashort pulsed (USP) laser radiation. In Aachen, the partners jointly developed an industrial processing SLM-head that can use customized, dynamic beam shaping combined with large laser average output powers for a wide range of applications. The applied, new Spatial Light Modulator from Hamamatsu can be operated up to 150 watts of average output power.

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  • Virtual chain reactions - live, in color and in person / 2022

    Not without my AI

    Review AKL'22 / July 19, 2022

    High-productivity 3D printing has been made possible by using EHLA technology in a parallel kinematic system and in a modified 5-axis CNC prototype. With the parallel kinematics, for example, the first components made of 316L stainless steel could be printed quickly and reliably at 1.7 kg/h and at a feed rate of 40 m/min.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    Many industries are ready to break new ground in production with lasers. To do this, users and suppliers must reconcile digitalization and sustainability, ecology and economy. As an important means to this end, lasers can be integrated into the emerging process chains so that they interact with the entire upstream and downstream processes, saving both time and money. The more than 520 participants at the AKL'22 International Laser Technology Congress in Aachen learned how the laser community is already proactively tackling these tasks.

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  • Copper is often used in electromobility, a material that can be processed at greater stability with blue or green lasers than with infrared lasers.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    After having to take a pandemic break of four years, the industrial laser technology community met at “AKL'22 – International Laser Technology Congress” in Aachen from May 4 to 6, 2022. The industry is doing well, and the biggest trend is the extensive digitalization of processes. At the same time, common beam sources are being pushed to ever new levels of peak performance. New to the conference program was the Quantum Technology & Photonics Forum, where major German companies presented an amazing range of topics.

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  • Taking the fight to microplastics with lasers

    Press Release / April 01, 2022

    59 million holes in the filter plate of the first laser-drilled filter for the filtration of microplastics from municipal wastewater.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    Until now, wastewater treatment plants have not been able to sufficiently filter out tiny microplastics in wastewater, but this could soon change: The first laser-drilled microplastic filter is being tested in a wastewater treatment plant. It contains sheets with extremely small holes just 10 micrometers in diameter. The technology to efficiently drill millions of such holes was developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, and now the institute’s engineers are scaling up ultrashort-pulse (USP) laser technology in the kW range. Visitors can learn more about the microplastic filter and ultrashort-pulse lasers at the Fraunhofer booth A6.441 at LASER World of PHOTONICS.

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  • A Defining Patent: 25 Years of Metallic 3D Laser Printing

    Press Release / November 15, 2021

    The inventors of the process, Wilhelm Meiners, Kurt Wissenbach and Andres Gasser, stand in front of a small transport trolley with the first LPBF machine.
    © Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.

    A drone hovers in the sky above the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT in Aachen. It films 50 employees from the “Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)” department from above as they stand together and form the number 25. The anniversary of the basic patent for LPBF marks an occasion for a video clip: 25 years ago, only one Fraunhofer ILT researcher was actively working on the project and the patent for metallic 3D laser printing was filed in 1996. “This is an auspicious occasion for a retrospective and outlook on our technology,” Jasmin Saewe says, pleased. She has been head of the LPBF competence area at Fraunhofer ILT for several months. Today, she is in charge of around 50 employees and students.

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